What is my username?
Your username is a combination of the first letter of your first name followed by a hyphen (-) followed by up to the first 13 letters of your last name. Your username may also end with one or more digits if another student has a similar name that would create a duplicate username.
- Example 1: Jane Smith’s username would be j-smith.
- Example 2: Joseph Smith’s username would be j-smith1.
What if I know my current password and want to change it?
If you know your username and current password, you may change your password online using the Change Your Password tool.
What if I have forgotten my username?
In-Person: If you are on campus, you can obtain your username in-person with picture ID at the following locations:
Online: If you are unable to come to campus, you can request your username and a new password by completing the Username and Password Request form; your username and a new password will be mailed to your permanent address on file at the college.
What if I have forgotten my current password?
You can reset your password yourself only if you have already set up both an alternate email and answered security questions in your WIReD account:
- Visit the Reset your College password site in your web browser.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to reset your password.
- Please allow up to 15 minutes for your new password to be synchronized across all college computer and web systems when using this tool.
If you have not set up an alternate email or answered security questions in WIReD, you can request a password reset using the following methods:
- In-Person: If you are on campus, you can obtain your username in-person with picture ID at the following locations:
- Online: If you are unable to come to campus, you can request your username and a new password by completing the Username and Password Request form; your username and a new password will be mailed to your permanent address on file at the college.
What if I have forgotten my security questions?
If you have forgotten your security questions and forgotten your current password, you can request a password reset using the following methods:
- In-Person: If you are on campus, you can obtain your username in-person with picture ID at the following locations:
- Online: If you are unable to come to campus, you can request your username and a new password by completing the Username and Password Request form; your username and a new password will be mailed to your permanent address on file at the college.
After resetting your password, you will be able to log into WIReD and reset your security questions.
How do I set up an alternate email in WIReD?
Setting up an alternate email in WIReD is required to be able to use the online Forgot Your Password tool.
- Visit the WIReD homepage in your browser.
- Select Login to WIReD and login with your full email address and password.
- From the Main Menu, select Personal Information.
- From the Personal Information Menu, select View/Update E-mail Address(es).
- Follow instructions on screen to add an alternate personal email.
How do I answer security questions in WIReD?
Setting up security questions in WIReD is required to be able to use the online Forgot Your Password tool.
- Visit the WIReD homepage in your browser.
- Select Login to WIReD and login with your full email address and password.
- From the Main Menu, select Personal Information.
- From the Personal Information Menu, select Security Questions.
- Follow instructions on screen to select and answer your security questions.
What are the password strength requirements?
- Must be eight (8) to fourteen (14) characters in length
- Must contain at least one (1) of each of the following:
- Lowercase letter
- Uppercase (Capital) letter
- Special character
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } [ ] \ | : ; < > ? , . /
- Digit
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Need more help?
Visit the Computer Learning Center in the lower level of the Marvin Library or email clchelp@cnlawyer18.com.